Kry & Livi: Re-imagining the future of healthcare


Europe’s leading digital first healthcare provider Kry & Livi have a mission to redefine the relationship patients have with their health and reimagine ways in which they can stay healthy.

As the Senior Art Director & Design Manager, I was responsible for leading, implementing and maintaining all of the various brand guidelines, design systems and templates for the central team, 360 marketing campaigns, paid templates, content strategy and calendars, pictograms and components for the digital product and the physical clinic design retail system.


Each tool in the visual identity has been designed to help Kry & Livi relate as a progressive healthcare provider with 'you' and 'your health' needs at the heart of the brand.

Working collaboratively with IdentityWorks, I lead our in-house team to define the brand strategy and visual identity, guidelines, design systems and templates.

Marketing, Content & Art direction

Close to you. A part of your life. From clinicians, to patients to life. A universal and accessible language of intimacy, warmth, understanding.

I helped lead the creation and direction of the content and marketing assets from consumer facing communications as well as internal and B2B touch points.

Brand iconography & illustration system

We developed an illustration system to bring warmth to information and make the difficult accessible. Simplified organic lines and shapes inspired by the human body to guide and inform.

A system that can be used across all touch points of the brand by all members of the team including non designers.

Physical clinic visual identity

The aim was to create a seamless digi-physical experience where patients can move from app to the physical clinics and back without complication.

Everyone who walks into one of Kry's and Livi's healthcare clinics should feel that they have entered the future of healthcare.

With the company’s growth into physical healthcare centres, I was responsible for implementing consistent brand queues and elements into the physical space and build guidelines for rollout.